General Information
BBS Wirtschaft Bad Kreuznach
Rheingrafenstr. 2
55543 Bad Kreuznach/ Rhineland-Palatinate/ Germany
BBS Wirtschaft is a college of secondary / vocational training and consists of 1300 students - around 350 of them are full-time students, the rest come to school part-time (which normally means two times a week) and work at their respective companies for the rest of the week. Here we have a variety of different jobs/ fields: industrial clerks, wholesaler, office management, E-commerce, dialogue marketing, vet/GP/ dentist assistants, legal/ administrative assistants.
The full-time students attend classes to complete their A-levels and to go university afterwards or start a vocational training. Therefor our students are between 15 and 19 years old. We also have students who train to be policemen/-women. They are between 16- 18 years old and it would be great if they could gain some experience abroad.
What all our students have in common are the vocational subjects: business studies, administration, accounting and economics and they all have English as a compulsory subject and French and/ or Spanish as second language. One of our main goals in the school quality program is to increase our students' language and professional skills. Since last year some of our students therefore also have the chance to attend the vocational subjects in English (bilingual business studies) and graduate from our school with an additional European diploma called European Business Baccalaureate Diploma (EBBD). We are one of only a few schools in Rhineland-Palatinate who are accredited at the moment. The students who aim to obtain the diploma will have additional classes in European politics, languages and have to attend the bilingual classes. Furthermore, they are required to do a work placement abroad. In order to do so they do not only need the theoretical professional knowledge but also need to have intercultural and language skills. If they complete all the tasks mentioned above, they are rewarded with an EBBD diploma and a Mobility Pass (
As another part of our school quality program in languages we therefore started to offer TOEFL, Cervantes and DELF language diplomas according to the Common European Framework of Reference of Languages (CEFR). All students taking part get extra certificates in English (up to C1), French and Spanish (up to B2). We also have an eTwinning partnership with a school in France.
In order to prepare the students for their practical work experience abroad and to gain an insight into the practical application of theoretical knowledge and in order to promote entrepreneurship we also offer our students to be part of their own Student Company ( In Germany the program is called "JUNIOR Expert". We were chosen best "Student Company" and awarded the Entrepreneurial Award 2017 for our achievements with our students at an international Event in Tallinn, Estonia.
In September 2018, 10 vocational students took part in an exchange with China as part of the KMK program “Chinese Bridge” to gain insight into the Chinese education system.
Furthermore, we can look back to a variety of European projects (Comenius and Erasmus+) and currently also have two Erasmus+ KA1 (teacher mobility) and a KA2 project running. The KA2 project is called “Ready4Europe” and deals with working, living and studying abroad. Six different schools from Italy, Romania, England and Portugal are involved.
Contact person:
Team Europa
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